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    21. SPL Spieltag
    08.01.2025 20.45 Uhr DZ
    Celtic Park

    Celtic FC - Dundee United 2-0 (1-0)


    Alle Fanthemen

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Fr 22. Nov 2013, 18:58

    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16316
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.819,20 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Fr 22. Nov 2013, 19:03

    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16316
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.819,20 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Armin_Bhoy » Sa 23. Nov 2013, 18:26



    Brendan Rodgers Fenian Army
    Artur Boruc
    Artur Boruc
    Europ.: Fische Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 3234
    Registriert: Sa 23. Jul 2011, 17:14
    Wohnort: Schorndorf
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 77.295,50 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Gollum » Di 26. Nov 2013, 00:07

    Nachtrag zu den Geschehnissen in Amsterdam:

    Celtic fans backed by Ajax Ultras over clashes
    AJAX fans have left a message in support of Celtic fans at the site of clashes before this month’s Champions League game between the sides in Amsterdam.
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Armin_Bhoy » Di 26. Nov 2013, 22:10

    geniales banner vom heutigen spiel :top1


    Brendan Rodgers Fenian Army
    Artur Boruc
    Artur Boruc
    Europ.: Fische Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 3234
    Registriert: Sa 23. Jul 2011, 17:14
    Wohnort: Schorndorf
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 77.295,50 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Gollum » Mi 27. Nov 2013, 18:43

    Deswegen gibts jetzt erstmal ein Disziplinarverfahren bei der Uefa:

    Disciplinary proceedings have been opened against Celtic FC for an incident of a non-sporting nature (illicit banner: Art. 16.2 of the disciplinary regulations) at last night's UEFA Champions League match against AC Milan in Glasgow.
    The case will be dealt with by the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body meeting on 11 December.

    Dazu ein offizielles Statement vom Verein:

    Celtic Football Club statement

    Following Tuesday´s UEFA Champions League match at Celtic Park against AC Milan, UEFA have confirmed that they have opened disciplinary proceedings against Celtic for an incident of a non-sporting nature (illicit banner).

    Celtic Football Club has released the following statement.

    ´During the last two matches at Celtic Park, banner displays have taken place which have not been approved by Celtic Football Club. These were displays which were in no way football-related and which have no place at Celtic Park.
    Celtic Football Club can confirm that any individual or group identified as being involved in any form of political display at a match involving Celtic will be banned immediately from attending matches involving the Club.
    With regard to last night´s display, the Club made it abundantly clear in advance to the group in question that only football-related displays would be permitted and that any political display would lead to a UEFA charge. We, in turn, received an assurance that all displays would be 100 per cent relevant to Celtic. Therefore, the actions of this group are clearly very disappointing. We have been inundated with complaints from Celtic supporters regarding the display.
    Celtic does more now than it ever has to liaise with and support the numerous fans´ groups which exist. We have encouraged and facilitated all groups and their support for the Club through various initiatives. It is clear, however, that by some at least this courtesy has not been reciprocated.'
    Celtic Chief Executive Peter Lawwell said: "Last night was nothing more than clear disrespect for the Club and our supporters who now face another UEFA charge.
    "There have now been a number of UEFA charges made against the Club during the last three years, relating to behaviour, displays and pyrotechnics - it cannot go on any further.
    "Let´s be very clear. Following the actions of a small minority, these charges are made against the CLUB. It is the reputation of Celtic, our great Club and our great fans which is damaged, while others carry on indulging in such behaviour.
    "Our supporters do not want this any more. We are a non-political organisation, a top football club in fantastic shape, aiming to play its part as a major football club on the European stage.
    "Regardless of the political views people hold, football stadia, whether it is Celtic Park or anywhere else, should not be used to promote these. This is something which all football authorities, including UEFA, have stressed for some time and something well known by all supporters.
    "The Club don’t want it, our manager and our team don´t want it, our supporters don’t want it and the football authorities don’t want it - it has to stop.
    "Celtic is a world-class football club and rightly proud of its wonderful reputation in the game. This is a reputation hard-earned by our supporters over many years. We cannot and will not allow this reputation to be tarnished any further."
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Big John » Mi 27. Nov 2013, 19:02

    Muss die Green Brigade die Banners nicht anmelden? In Deutschland muss man doch jeden Mist anmelden und ein relativ großes Banner wie dieses bekomm ich doch nicht durch die EIngänge des Celtic Parks oder?
    That was Brother Walfrid's dream
    Big John
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Europ.: Stier Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 5580
    Registriert: So 16. Mai 2010, 14:19
    Wohnort: Stuttgart
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 168.303,10 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Celtic Frost » Mi 27. Nov 2013, 19:11

    Um was ging es denn bei diesen Bannern? Ging an mir vorbei sorry
    Soviele Zuschauer und so wenig Tore (BT)
    Celtic Frost
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 842
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 18:46
    Wohnort: Küsnacht
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 11.537,30 Celtic-Points
    Land: Schweiz

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Gollum » Mi 27. Nov 2013, 19:24

    Big John hat geschrieben:Muss die Green Brigade die Banners nicht anmelden? In Deutschland muss man doch jeden Mist anmelden und ein relativ großes Banner wie dieses bekomm ich doch nicht durch die EIngänge des Celtic Parks oder?

    Doch, das Statement kritisiert ja unter anderem genau den Punkt, dass sie das nicht getan hätten. Was die Kontrollen angeht keine Ahnung, aber da beweisen Ultragruppen ja immer wieder eine gewisse Kreativität...

    Celtic Frost hat geschrieben:Um was ging es denn bei diesen Bannern? Ging an mir vorbei sorry

    Die Bilder kannst Du Dir weiter oben ja angucken. Anlass war wohl, dass einzelne Fans für das Singen von 'Roll of Honour' belangt wurden, wogegen man die letzten beiden Spiele eben in dieser Form protestierte, also gegen die Kriminalisierung der hunger strikers von 1981.
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Gollum » Do 28. Nov 2013, 02:52

    Dazu nun auch ein Statement der Green Brigade:

    Green Brigade Statement 27-11-13

    As a member of Fans Against Criminalisation the Green Brigade are fully committed to highlighting, challenging and tackling the systemised campaign of criminalisation and harassment – orchestrated by the Scottish Government and implemented by Police Scotland – against the Celtic support.

    At the risk of covering old ground, the Scottish Government are responsible for drafting and implementing a ridiculous piece of legislation which, through their own admission, aims to make the arrest figures between both sides of the Glasgow divide even – regardless of the act or crime in question. In practice, for the Celtic support this has resulted in expressions of Irish identity, culture and politics being deemed illegal.

    One prominent example is the criminalisation of the song ‘Roll of Honour’ which is a lament commemorating ten Irish martyrs who died on hunger strike in Long Kesh in 1981. These men died primarily fighting the criminalisation of themselves and their struggle in a bid to be recognised as political prisoners. Now, in Scotland, it is deemed illegal to remember and honour their sacrifice. The number of fans being charged for doing so continually rises as Police Scotland continues to film and harass our support at every turn.

    On Saturday 23rd November we highlighted the sheer hypocrisy of the legislation with a simple banner display. On the 10th minute and 81st minute a banner of the letter H was unveiled while ‘Roll of Honour’ was sung. Alongside this banner appeared two further banners containing the following lyric from the Scottish national anthem: ‘they fought and died for; their wee bit hill and glen’.

    Similarly, on Tuesday 26th November we unveiled another banner display to further our point and emphasise the Scottish Government’s hypocrisy. At this match two banners depicting a Scottish and an Irish freedom fighter were shown along with the slogan: ‘the terrorist or the dreamer; the savage of the brave? Depends whose vote you’re trying to catch or whose face you’re trying to save’. The statement being made was that it is both hypocritical and discriminatory to celebrate the Scottish nationalist struggle while criminalising the Irish nationalist struggle. Ultimately, due to the subjective nature of what anyone may deem ‘offensive’, it is both dangerous and absurd to create a law based upon offensiveness.

    The Green Brigade are disappointed by the statement made by Celtic Football Club in regards to this incident. The Club’s statement claims that we assured them that our display would be purely football related but that in fact it had nothing to do with football. In reality however what was assured to them was that our plans were completely relative to Celtic and indeed football. Given that it is Celtic fans who are filling up prison cells and court rooms because of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act, and the manner in which it criminalises legitimate expression of political opinion, this display could not have been more relevant in the current context. The fans are the lifeblood of any football club and to deem fan issues as irrelevant is frankly disgraceful.

    While we understand and sympathise fully with fans who may disagree with the timing of last night’s display we are honest enough to admit that the timing was of no coincidence. This act has been in place for over 18 months yet the club have offered next to no support to the fans on this matter. As a group we were told that Celtic Football Club would publicly support the fans on this issue. Regrettably, this has not transpired in spite of the fact that public pressure could have had a telling impact on the Justice Committee as they discussed the possibility of an early review of the act.

    It is our opinion that the level of apathy from Celtic PLC towards the criminalisation of their supporters is unforgivable. We find their accusation of the Green Brigade disrespecting the club to be completely ironic and totally laughable when we consider the level of disrespect they have repeatedly shown to their supporters for far too long – never mind the desecrating of our Club’s proud history and values with the firm objection to implementing the ‘living wage’.

    Whilst the Club may wish to wash their hands of pressing fan issues we will not falter in our attempts to challenge the injustice of this legislation nor how Police Scotland implements it. As the number of Celtic fans banned from games continues to grow and the court cases and all additional baggage piles up we will stand by them, we will stand with the Celtic support and as always we will defend our right to cultural and political expression.

    Until the last rebel
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Big John » Do 28. Nov 2013, 09:16

    Ich persönlich mag die GreenBrigade, allein wegen der Stimmung die diese Leute kreaieren. Aber ich habe stark das Gefühl, dass zwischen den Ansichten des Verein und der GB welten liegen und sich das so schnell nicht legt.
    That was Brother Walfrid's dream
    Big John
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Europ.: Stier Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 5580
    Registriert: So 16. Mai 2010, 14:19
    Wohnort: Stuttgart
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 168.303,10 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Armin_Bhoy » Do 28. Nov 2013, 13:11

    Ich persönlich bin auch ein fan von der green brigade und und politisch sowieso irisch republikanischer ansicht :D
    Aber solche banner haben auf einen fussball platz nichts verloren und es wirft einfach ein schlechtes Licht auf uns.
    Das singen des soliders song, roll of honur und bhoys of the old brigade wurden schon vor über 30 jahren gesungen und das werden die ultras auch weiterhin singen....
    Brendan Rodgers Fenian Army
    Artur Boruc
    Artur Boruc
    Europ.: Fische Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 3234
    Registriert: Sa 23. Jul 2011, 17:14
    Wohnort: Schorndorf
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 77.295,50 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Big John » Do 28. Nov 2013, 13:40


    Hey Lubo und Gollum, ich glaube der Typ mit den kurzen Hosen, war doch der Typ auf der Toilette des Brazen Heads mit dem wir Party gemacht haben oder?
    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    That was Brother Walfrid's dream
    Big John
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Europ.: Stier Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 5580
    Registriert: So 16. Mai 2010, 14:19
    Wohnort: Stuttgart
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 168.303,10 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Do 28. Nov 2013, 18:27

    Ob man sie mag oder auch nicht, sollte es eine weitere Strafe gegen unseren Verein Celtic geben, wars das mit der GB im Stadion.
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16316
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.819,20 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Big John » Do 28. Nov 2013, 20:10

    McCeltic hat geschrieben:Ob man sie mag oder auch nicht, sollte es eine weitere Strafe gegen unseren Verein Celtic geben, wars das mit der GB im Stadion.

    Das denke ich noch nicht, aber es braucht auf jeden Fall nicht mehr viel.....
    That was Brother Walfrid's dream
    Big John
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Europ.: Stier Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 5580
    Registriert: So 16. Mai 2010, 14:19
    Wohnort: Stuttgart
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 168.303,10 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Stony » Fr 29. Nov 2013, 06:45

    Wobei die Rolle des Vereins und seiner Einlass-Kontrollen auch zu hinterfragen ist.
    Wer bekommt bitte solch große Banner ohne vorherige Kontrolle des Vereins in Stadion ? Da hat dann
    wohl auch der Verein seinen Teil dazu beigetragen.
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Gollum » Mi 4. Dez 2013, 11:29

    Nachtrag zu Amsterdam No.2:

    By Dailyrecord.co.uk Amsterdam's mayor blames Ajax hooligans for starting violent clashes with Celtic fans ahead of Champions League match

    Die maßgebliche Gewalt die von den Undercover-Polizisten ausging verschweigt er natürlich...trotzdem, selbst er sieht nicht die Celtic-Fans als Auslöser der Gewalt in dieser Nacht, das will schon was heißen!
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Sa 7. Dez 2013, 09:05

    http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scott ... on-2900317

    Diese Idioten lernen aber auch nichts dazu.
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16316
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.819,20 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon Stony » Sa 7. Dez 2013, 09:29

    McCeltic hat geschrieben:http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/celtic-could-face-spfl-investigation-2900317

    Diese Idioten lernen aber auch nichts dazu.

    Meine Meinung dazu:
    Auswertung aller vorhandenen Video-Aufzeichnungen und Ausmisten dieser Idioten aus unserem Block (das sollte eigentlich im Interesse aller "normalen" Celtic-Fans sein) - volle private und persönliche Haftung für jegliche Schäden, eine zusätzliche hohe Strafe und ein entsprechend langes Stadionverbot und Sozialdienst.

    Wer nicht lernt muss zahlen - wer danach immer noch nichts gelernt hat, der hat im Celtic-Block NICHTS verloren.
    Als letztes Mittel wird er zwangsweise Mitglied bei den Rangers...
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Fanszene

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Sa 7. Dez 2013, 10:42

    Super gespielt unsere Jungs gestern und dann wieder solche Vollpfosten unterwegs die mutwillig Sachen beschädigen. Bin da ganz deiner Meinung Stony, auswerten umd zur Kasse bitten. Und ein ordentliches Stadionverbot gleich mit dazu.
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16316
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.819,20 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland


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