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    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Celtic Frost » Di 22. Okt 2013, 23:31

    Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass wir in Amsterdam nicht verlieren. Wir waren wirklich nicht Weltklasse heute, aber von Ajax kam ausser viel Ballbesitz und dem Last Second Goal nun eigentlich auch nicht wirklich viel.
    Und gegen Mailand und Barca wĂŒrde ich jetzt auch nicht gleich von vornerein alle sechs möglichen Punkte abschreiben, vor allem gegen die AC nicht.


    PS: Wie blöd muss man sein, beim Stande von 2-0 kurz vor Schluss im Mittelfeld so in den Gegner reinzugrĂ€tschen? Kann es mir eigentlich nur Übermotivation erklĂ€ren ;grrr:
    Soviele Zuschauer und so wenig Tore (BT)
    Celtic Frost
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    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Di 22. Okt 2013, 23:54

    Ich denke schon, daß Ajax gute Chancen hatte. Die durch unseren Fraser vernictet wurden. Also Chancen fĂŒr Tore waren schon da fĂŒr Ajax.
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
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    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
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    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Stony » Mi 23. Okt 2013, 00:16

    Der Sieg heute tut wirklich gut - auf die ersten beiden unglĂŒcklichen Spiele der CL-Gruppe und natĂŒrlich auch unserer Club-Kasse.

    FĂŒr mich heute MotM VIRGIL - unglaubliches Spiel mit wirklich großen Taten. Respekt auf vor Fraser und Forrest;

    Nun ist wieder alles offen - von CL 1/8-Final bis zum Gruppen-Aus.
    Die rote Karte ist schon i.O. - wer so im Mittelfeld rangeht ist selbst schuld. Ajax hatte schon Chancen (Stange, einmal alleine vor Forster - einmal um Millimeter neben der Stange...), daher bin ich mit den 3 Punkten heute voll zufrieden.

    :celt6 :celt6 :celt6
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Stony » Mi 23. Okt 2013, 00:17

    [quote="Lubo"]Soderle Freunde der Sonne, heute Abend gehts weiter in der CL.

    Hab ein gutes GefĂŒhl heute und denke, dass die junge Ajax-Mannschaft erstmal beeindruckt sein wird von der Kulisse.

    2:1 fĂŒr uns quote]

    Respekt Lubo - ich hoffe Du warst mit dem Tipp auch vorher schon im WettbĂŒro...
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Mi 23. Okt 2013, 00:34

    Bin zufrieden heute. Einzigster minuspunkt die randalierenden HollÀnder.
    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: BĂŒffel
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    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Lubo » Mi 23. Okt 2013, 09:19

    McCeltic hat geschrieben:Ich denke schon, daß Ajax gute Chancen hatte. Die durch unseren Fraser vernictet wurden. Also Chancen fĂŒr Tore waren schon da fĂŒr Ajax.

    Absolut. Meiner Meinung nach eher ein Chancenplus fĂŒr die gestern.

    Irgendwie ein Spiel wie gegen Spartak letztes Jahr. Der grĂ¶ĂŸere Wille hat es letztendlich zu unseren Gunsten entschieden.

    In Amsterdam wird aber eh ein ganz anderes Spiel. Da werden wir wieder mit einem StĂŒrmer und einer massiven Deckung auflaufen. Ich sehe große Chancen, dass das gegen die aufgeht. Bei Kontern bzw. schnellen Aktionen ĂŒber außen erscheinen die mir ziemlich anfĂ€llig. Wir mĂŒssen halt lange genug die "null" halten.

    Wird ein ganz anderes Spiel wie in Mailand. Dort weiß man, dass jeder Schuss ein Treffer ist. Ajax dagegen braucht schon viele Chancen.
    Champions of Europe 1967 :celt2
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    BeitrÀge: 5088
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    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon RedBhoy » Mi 23. Okt 2013, 12:42

    Ajax muss das Spiel daheim gewinnen, denn schon bei einem Unentschieden hĂ€tten sie 3 Punkte RĂŒckstand auf uns und den direkten Vergleich verloren und dann wĂŒrden sie mit ziemlicher Sicherheit als Vierter ausscheiden. Schon alleine deshalb wirds ein anderes Spiel als gestern.

    Hoffentlich gewinnt Barca das RĂŒckspiel gegen Milan im Nou Camp. Das hĂ€tte nicht nur den Vorteil, dass die Italiener bei 5 Punkten bleiben wĂŒrden, sondern Barca könnte Platz 1 zementieren, sodass es sein könnte, dass die Begegnung am letzten Spieltag gegen uns fĂŒr sie keine wirkliche Bedeutung mehr hĂ€tte und wohl ein paar Stars geschont werden wĂŒrden.
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Mi 23. Okt 2013, 20:20

    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
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    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
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    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Fightin-Irish » Do 24. Okt 2013, 10:05

    Celtic manager Neil Lennon: We'll get Scott Brown back for Champions League crunch

    LENNON reckons a letter from UEFA explaining the reasons for Brown's extended ban is "vague" and has given him hope of winning an appeal.

    NEIL LENNON insists Celtic can win their fight to have Scott Brown back for AC Milan – or even the return Champions League crunch with Ajax in Amsterdam.

    The Parkhead manager has received the official letter from UEFA detailing their reasons for hammering his skipper with an extended ban.

    Brown got an automatic one-game suspension, which was served in this week’s clash with Ajax, after his red card against Barcelona three weeks ago.

    But that punishment was subsequently tripled to also put him out of the game in Amsterdam in a fortnight and the potentially-crucial showdown with Milan at the end of next month.

    But Lennon has not been convinced by UEFA’s explanation and believes the club can have the additional ban reduced, or even quashed. He said: “It’s quite vague. I’m not convinced about the wording of it. I think we’ve got a good case to appeal it.”

    Celtic feel Brown’s extra punishment, meted out for his nip at Neymar in the 1-0 loss to Barcelona is harsh.

    With five days from the arrival of the official letter to reply, the club are now ready to state their case.

    UEFA’s Appeals Body will consider Celtic’s pleas next week, with a decision to be taken before the tie in Amsterdam on November 6 that has now taken on massive significance after a victory over the Dutch champs that thrilled Lennon.

    He said: “To be fair to Ajax, they played really well for a 15-20 minute spell in the first half but the only really clear-cut chance I thought they made was the one where Thulani Serero got in.

    “We got caught a little bit flat in between Virgil van Dijk and Emilio Izaguirre.

    “Emilio did great to make a recovery and then Fraser Forster made a great save. I think that was the turning point of the game. The defining moment, if you want to call it that.”

    The win has boosted hopes that a Group H recovery mission is on. Failure to defeat the Dutch would have been fatal to their chances of reaching the last 16.

    And Lennon said: “I was well aware of that. I just wanted to win the game for my own reputation, the club’s reputation, the players’ reputation.

    “It has given us an opportunity now to go forward in the group.

    “I think we can give any team a game at home. Now it’s really important, if we want to make the top two places, that we pick up something away.

    “In the Nou Camp against Barcelona, that is going to be really difficult. But we are really going to look at Amsterdam and think, ‘Can we get something there?’

    “I saw enough in the game to suggest we can but I also saw enough in the game to suggest it is going to be really difficult because they are a very good side.”

    UEFA has begun disciplinary proceedings against Ajax after their supporters were involved in clashes during their Champions League match at Celtic Park.

    Fans were seen clashing with stewards in the moments following Celtic’s first goal.There were also reports claiming travelling supporters had ripped up seats and thrown them at fans sitting in the home sections.

    While Police Scotland confirmed no Dutch fans were arrested during the game, UEFA has now decided to take action and the case will be dealt with by the UEFA control and disciplinary body on November 21.

    Bobo Balde
    Bobo Balde
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: Ratte
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    Celtic-Points: 43.510,30 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Armin_Bhoy » Fr 25. Okt 2013, 17:09

    Brendan Rodgers Fenian Army
    Artur Boruc
    Artur Boruc
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    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Armin_Bhoy » Sa 26. Okt 2013, 12:32

    "I fulfilled a long standing ambition on Tuesday when I sat in the stands to watch Celtic play a European game at Celtic Park. The experience against Ajax didn't disappoint & it was one of the best atmospheres I've experienced. At times on Tuesday it felt like the ground was shaking, not least when 60'000 started doing the huddle. It was difficult to keep an eye on the game as I kept looking around to take it all in. The noise was deafening."- Jamie Carragher
    Brendan Rodgers Fenian Army
    Artur Boruc
    Artur Boruc
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    Celtic-Points: 77.715,95 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Odg: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Sa 26. Okt 2013, 21:51

    Armin_Bhoy hat geschrieben:"I fulfilled a long standing ambition on Tuesday when I sat in the stands to watch Celtic play a European game at Celtic Park. The experience against Ajax didn't disappoint & it was one of the best atmospheres I've experienced. At times on Tuesday it felt like the ground was shaking, not least when 60'000 started doing the huddle. It was difficult to keep an eye on the game as I kept looking around to take it all in. The noise was deafening."- Jamie Carragher

    Immer schön zu hören!
    Ich sag es immer wieder es ist ein privileg Celtic Supporter zu sein
    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: BĂŒffel
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    Celtic-Points: 41.096,45 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Sa 26. Okt 2013, 23:11


    Ajax 0 - 0 RKC Waalwijk
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    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
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    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Lubo » So 27. Okt 2013, 21:25

    Anmerkung am Rande:

    Bernd Schuster, der uns ja letztes Jahr ein wenig wegen unserer taktischen Ausrichtung in der CL kritisiert hat, zeigt gerade in Malaga, wie viel Ahnung er von Taktik hat. ;D ;D ;D
    Champions of Europe 1967 :celt2
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    BeitrÀge: 5088
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    Celtic-Points: 173.950,95 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Gollum » Fr 1. Nov 2013, 15:17

    Scott Brown appeal unsuccessful

    CELTICÂŽS appeal against the additional two-game ban imposed on Scott Brown by UEFA following his sending-off in the UEFA Champions League match against Barcelona has been unsuccessful.
    The Celtic captain served an automatic one-game suspension and missed the last European match, CelticÂŽs 2-1 victory over Ajax on October 22. He will now miss next WednesdayÂŽs match against the Dutch side in Amsterdam, and the home match against AC Milan on November 22.
    A Celtic spokesperson said: "Clearly we are very disappointed with today’s decision as we believe our appeal had real merit."

    Nun dann, es ist ja mehr oder weniger schon alles dazu gesagt. Jetzt mĂŒssen wir eben irgendwie damit klar kommen, glĂŒcklicherweise scheint Ledley ja wieder fit zu werden und Kayal zegte zuletzt auch wieder ansprechendere Leistungen.
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ĂĄr lĂĄ
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    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Sa 2. Nov 2013, 23:44


    Ajax - Vitesse 0-1

    Übrigens sind Sammy und Commons am Mittwoch wieder mit dabei.
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
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    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
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    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Fightin-Irish » So 3. Nov 2013, 18:24

    McCeltic hat geschrieben:FT

    Ajax - Vitesse 0-1

    Übrigens sind Sammy und Commons am Mittwoch wieder mit dabei.

    Nach der "Verschnaufpause" am Samstag sollten wir mit voller Energie die Amsterdam-Arena rocken!
    Immerhin gilt es dort die derbe Friendly-Klatsche wettzumachen :D
    Bobo Balde
    Bobo Balde
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: Ratte
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    Celtic-Points: 43.510,30 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Fightin-Irish » So 3. Nov 2013, 18:28

    Bayern Munich boss Pep Guardiola: I'd love to bring the European champions to Parkhead to take on Celtic

    THE Spaniard has never had the chance to take a team to Parkhead but hopes he can savour the atmosphere with his Bayern side.

    PEP GUARDIOLA has revealed he would love to bring European champions Bayern Munich to Celtic Park.

    The Bayern boss is eager to taste the Champions League atmosphere in Glasgow’s east end for the first time.

    And star man Franck Ribery is so desperate to line up a trip to Parkhead that he hopes Neil Lennon’s side make it through to the last 16 so Bayern can draw them.

    Neither Guardiola nor Ribery have been to Parkhead but it is on their wish list and both dream of sharing in the sort of occasion that Barcelona have enjoyed in the last two seasons.

    Guardiola missed out on all of Barca’s trips to Celtic’s home – despite being boss at the Nou Camp for four years.

    Now he wants to experience what his old players have savoured.

    The ex-Barca boss said: “I’ve never had the chance to go to Celtic but I’d love to.

    “I am young – just 42 – and still have a chance to go to Celtic Park.

    “In the last two seasons Barca have been there when I was not with the club.

    “I was coach there for four years but never got a chance to take a team to Parkhead so I would love to have this experience for myself.

    “The reason we play football is for the spectators. That’s what I tried to put in place at Barca and now at Bayern.”

    Guardiola was in charge of Barcelona’s B team when the Catalan giants met a Celtic side managed by Gordon Strachan in the last 16 back in 2008.

    Although the Hoops lost 3-2 that night they got their revenge last November with a memorable 2-1 win.

    Barca edged the most recent encounter as Cesc Fabregas sealed a 1-0 victory after Scott Brown’s red card.

    And Guardiola commended Hoops fans for applauding Andres Iniesta off the pitch when he was subbed late on.

    He said: “That is why football is great. It is for many reasons but one of them is that sometimes people can accept opponents and behave like this. It’s wonderful.”

    Ribery – the new European Footballer of the Year after beating Lionel Messi to the crown – saw that game on TV and was blown away by the passion of the Celtic support.

    The French winger said: “The stadium was vibrating because there was so much noise. I have never played at Celtic Park but I have spoken to players who have.

    “They say I should experience it and I would like to play there and see what an amazing atmosphere it is.

    “I watched the game with Barcelona on TV. I thought Celtic played well and merited a better result. But what I was really impressed with was the fans.

    “They obviously love their football and that passion helped Celtic because Barcelona are a stronger team.

    “It’s very important Celtic have these supporters and they could help them to get through the group.

    “That passion really helps a team and we have that at the Allianz Arena.

    “The Bayern fans are always singing my name and going mad even when we get a corner. But to experience the occasion at Celtic would be good.

    "Barcelona might be favourite to win that group but if Celtic can finish second like they did last season, maybe we can meet in the last 16.”

    If Ribery gets his wish there is every chance the Bayern star could be the world’s No.1 footballer by the time he heads to Parkhead in February.

    The Frenchman has just been named among the 23 candidates for the Ballon d’Or – which will be handed out at a glittering awards bash in January.

    And Ribery is the favourite after landing the European award.

    http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/foot ... la-2671515
    Bobo Balde
    Bobo Balde
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    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon Armin_Bhoy » Mi 6. Nov 2013, 12:50

    Brendan Rodgers Fenian Army
    Artur Boruc
    Artur Boruc
    Europ.: Fische Chin.: Schlange
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    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Champions League 2013/2014

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Mi 6. Nov 2013, 17:39

    Ich hoffe, wir geben auf dem Platz die richtige Antwort. :celt6
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
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    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    BeitrÀge: 16404
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
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