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    22. SPL Spieltag
    11.01.2025 13.30 Uhr DZ

    Ross County - Celtic FC 1-4 (0-1)

    Club news

    Neuigkeiten vom Board, Finanzen, Stadion etc.

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Mo 14. Dez 2020, 23:47

    Gollum hat geschrieben:Nachlese zur AGM heute:

    Celtic AGM 2020 LIVE reaction as the meeting is wrapped up

    Im Grunde ist passiert/wurde gesagt was allgemein zu erwarten war. Ob diese Statements bzw der Umgang mit den Fragen die Kritiker des Boards zufriedenstellen oder beruhigen werden halte ich für sehr zweifelhaft.
    “No one wants the 10 more than myself, I have contributed 5 out of the 9 so I know I can do it but I can't project that desperation onto the players it has to be calm"

    "My record speaks for it's self, I have won 10 titles in my time here as a player & a manager & there's not many can say they have done that"

    "Fraser Forster saved a penalty a few years back at which point we were 11 points behind our rivals & that single penalty save was our turning point, So we can do it"

    "I have been a Celtic fan all my life & I will be a Celtic fan for the rest of my life so this means more to me than anything apart from my family in my life"

    "Every now & again we will have a little struggle but it's important that the fans stay behind us"

    Celtic FC manager Neil Lennon

    Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 8 Pro koristeći Tapatalk
    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: Büffel
    Beiträge: 2341
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:46
    Wohnort: Bretten
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 41.102,45 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon GreenBhoy » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 08:48

    https://www.celticfc.com/news/2021/janu ... the-summer

    Celtic Football Club today announced that Chief Executive Peter Lawwell has decided to retire from his position at the end of June 2021, having held this role for the past 17 years.

    Gesendet von meinem motorola one vision mit Tapatalk
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Beiträge: 2278
    Registriert: Di 25. Aug 2015, 21:40
    Geschlecht: keine Angabe
    Celtic-Points: 50.053,85 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 08:50

    GreenBhoy hat geschrieben:https://www.celticfc.com/news/2021/january/Celtic-Chief-Executive-Peter-Lawwell-decides-to-retire-in-the-summer

    Celtic Football Club today announced that Chief Executive Peter Lawwell has decided to retire from his position at the end of June 2021, having held this role for the past 17 years.

    Gesendet von meinem motorola one vision mit Tapatalk
    Jetzt warst ne Sekunde schneller als ich hihi

    Ja, gut so das er geht.
    Er war nicht mehr tragbar

    Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 8 Pro koristeći Tapatalk
    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: Büffel
    Beiträge: 2341
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:46
    Wohnort: Bretten
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 41.102,45 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 09:32

    Nachfolger steht auch schon fest Bild

    Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 8 Pro koristeći Tapatalk
    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: Büffel
    Beiträge: 2341
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:46
    Wohnort: Bretten
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 41.102,45 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon CGN_Celtic » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 09:51

    Dinamo Baden hat geschrieben:
    GreenBhoy hat geschrieben:https://www.celticfc.com/news/2021/january/Celtic-Chief-Executive-Peter-Lawwell-decides-to-retire-in-the-summer

    Celtic Football Club today announced that Chief Executive Peter Lawwell has decided to retire from his position at the end of June 2021, having held this role for the past 17 years.

    Gesendet von meinem motorola one vision mit Tapatalk
    Jetzt warst ne Sekunde schneller als ich hihi

    Ja, gut so das er geht.
    Er war nicht mehr tragbar

    Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 8 Pro koristeći Tapatalk

    Trotz der unglücklichen Umstände und Entscheidungen der letzten Zeit ein großes Dankeschön von mir an Peter für das, was in den 17 Jahren passiert ist!!! :top1

    Right proudly high over GLASGOW town, WE hang out the flag of WAR!!!
    Artur Boruc
    Artur Boruc
    Europ.: Widder Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 2697
    Registriert: Di 26. Nov 2019, 16:20
    Wohnort: Niederkassel
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 85.846,70 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Lubo » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 10:05

    Danke auch von mir an Lawwell. Hat den Verein auf gesunde Beine gestellt, ist ein Celtic-Fan und war mit Leib und Seele dabei!! Und die letzten Jahre werden sicherlich unvergesslich bleiben.

    Als Nachfolger also McKay von der Rugby Union. Auch ein Celtic-Fan. Klingt von dem, was man so liest, sehr inspirierend.

    Bin sehr gespannt, welche Ideen er ab Juni einbringt.

    Toll! :celt3 :celt3 :celt3

    Jetzt muss die sportliche Leitung noch saniert werden (Trainer, Sportdirektor/Scouting).
    Champions of Europe 1967 :celt2
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Beiträge: 5060
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:12
    Geschlecht: keine Angabe
    Celtic-Points: 173.034,60 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Fightin-Irish » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 10:31

    Erster Schritt "nach vorne" wurde gemacht, viele weitere müssen folgen.

    Bobo Balde
    Bobo Balde
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: Ratte
    Beiträge: 1218
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 14:10
    Wohnort: Berlin
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 43.510,30 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Big John » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 13:04


    Was in den 17 Jahren alles erreicht wurde ist unfassbar. Vor allem unfassbar gut. Er hat wohl selbst gemerkt, dass er das Ruder nicht mehr
    rumreißen kann.

    Damit hat er es zumindest erkannt. Mal sehen was Lennon dran ist.
    That was Brother Walfrid's dream
    Big John
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Europ.: Stier Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 5584
    Registriert: So 16. Mai 2010, 14:19
    Wohnort: Stuttgart
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 168.548,55 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 13:12

    What times we've had under his stewardship... It has been glorious. So much banter. 29 trophies, another 9-in-a-row and a quadruple treble. And, as if that wasn't joyous enough, we got to watch them die. We saw Pedro hide in the bushes, watched Chuckie Green sell season tickets to the saps in the street, laughed like fk as they took two attempts to get out of the championship and were bent double when we heard them sing songs about Alloa cheatin'...

    Thanks for everything, Peter. To use an oft-used phrase from our enemies: You owned Scottish football. Hail, Hail.

    Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 8 Pro koristeći Tapatalk
    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: Büffel
    Beiträge: 2341
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:46
    Wohnort: Bretten
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 41.102,45 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Gollum » Fr 29. Jan 2021, 22:57

    Wie ich finde eine treffende Rückschau auf die Lawwell-Ära und ebenso treffende Einschätzung der Umstände, unter denen McKay nun übernehmen soll:

    Peter Lawwell: Changing of Celtic guard offers different landscape for Dominic McKay
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Gollum » Do 4. Feb 2021, 16:25

    Alan Stubbs claims Celtic boss Neil Lennon has lost his 'alibi' with Peter Lawwell exit as he shares sacking theory
    The chief-executive and the manager have enjoyed a strong relationship but Stubbs is concerned Lawwell's summer departure will leave Lennon "even more vulnerable".

    Also wenn das, was Stubbs hier über Lawwell vermutet (He suspects Lawwell will be reluctant to end his professional relationship with Lennon on a sour note and has therefore opted not to sack him.) tatsächlich der Wahrheit entspricht, dann wäre das schon ziemlich ungeheuerlich! Würde aber natürlich auch einiges erklären...
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Gollum » Fr 5. Feb 2021, 17:09

    Und daran anknüpfend:

    Andy Walker hammers Celtic over 'embarrassing and insulting' silence as he issues furious fan demand to the board
    The pundit and former Parkhead star again refused to pull any punches as he lamented the situation at his old club.

    Walker redet ab und zu ja auch mal ziemlichen Blödsinn, aber hier kann man ihm (leider) nur 100% zustimmen.
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Lubo » Mo 15. Feb 2021, 09:21

    Und der nächste Nackenschlag:

    https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/ ... -covid-19/

    Also (zw. 1.7. und 31.12.)
    - 6 Mio Verlust
    - 13 Mio weniger auf der Bank

    Umso erstaunlicher, dass die Blauen, die ja bereits vor Corona in Schieflage waren, wieder schön investieren konnten.

    Wir haben investiert und unsere Besten gehalten (wie die Blauen auch), und sind finanziell ziemlich unter die Räder gekomen.

    Champions of Europe 1967 :celt2
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Beiträge: 5060
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:12
    Geschlecht: keine Angabe
    Celtic-Points: 173.034,60 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Gollum » Mo 15. Feb 2021, 11:50

    Ja, die Zahlen sind brutal aber gleichzeitig alles andere als unerwartet. Wir haben im Sommer mal wieder die finanziell so wichtige CL verpasst und trotzdem auf lukrative Spielerverkäufe verzichtet, mit denen wir das sonst immer kompensiert haben, gleichzeitig haben wir nun schon seit fast einem Jahr keine Zuschauer mehr bei unseren Heimspielen. Andere Clubs kämpfen gerade ums nackte Überleben (von den Zuständen außerhalb des Fußballs mal ganz abgesehen) und so weit sind wir noch lange nicht, insofern muss man das alles immer in Perspektive setzen...aber die Schäden, die dieser verdammte Virus auch bei uns anrichtet sind schon immens und das wird den Neuaufbau, in welcher Form auch immer er stattfinden wird, mit Sicherheit spürbar beeinflussen (Financial expert in gloomy Celtic warning as he tips Rangers to become 'top dogs' unless Dermot Desmond acts).

    Celtic plc Interim Report
    Celtic have released their Interim Report for the six months to December 31, 2020.


    Operational Highlights
    - Currently second in the SPFL Premiership.
    - Winners of the Scottish FA Cup (season 19/20) for the fourth season in a row, securing an unprecedented fourth consecutive domestic treble.
    - 17 home fixtures (2019: 21).
    - Conclusion of the most successful decade in the history of the club with 20 trophies won.

    Financial Highlights
    - Revenue decreased by 23.7% to £40.7m (2019: £53.3m)
    - Loss from trading was £0.3m (2019: profit of £7.1m)
    - Profit from transfer of player registrations (shown as profit on disposal of intangible assets) £1.0m (2019: £23.0m)
    - Loss before taxation of £5.9m (2019: profit of £24.4m)
    - Acquisition of player registrations of £12.7m (2019: £15.0m)
    - Period end net cash at bank of £19.7m (2019: £32.9m)

    The results for the six months ended 31 December 2020 show revenues of £40.7m (2019: £53.3m) and a loss before taxation of £5.9m (2019: profit of £24.4m). The loss from trading, representing the loss excluding player related gains and charges, amounted to £0.3m (2019: profit of £7.1m). Period end net cash at bank was £19.7m (2019: £32.9m). The introductory page to these interim results summarises the main highlights.
    Season 2020/21 started with further significant investment into our playing squad as we prepared for the season ahead, commencing with the Champions League qualification fixtures, featuring challenging single-leg knockout ties as a result of the restricted football environment. We acquired the registrations of Albian Ajeti, Vasilis Barkas and David Turnbull, retained Mohamed Elyounoussi on loan and brought in experienced internationals Shane Duffy and Diego Laxalt on loan. We also retained key players who had contributed so much to the team in previous seasons.
    At the time of writing we currently sit second in the league 18 points behind the leaders, having played one game less and with 10 games remaining. The prolonged summer transfer window, the impact of Covid-19 and, crucially, the loss of our passionate support at matches have undoubtedly had a damaging effect on our performance levels in domestic and European competitions, but we recognise that our performance has not been good enough. Amidst this challenging environment, however, we secured victory in the postponed 2019/20 Scottish Cup Final to deliver an incredible fourth consecutive treble, following on from securing our ninth consecutive league title. The scale of this achievement cannot be underplayed and should be a cause for pride and celebration for years to come.
    The two key factors that adversely affected our financial results for the period under review were: firstly, reduced gains from player trading as we sought to keep intact our squad this season; and, secondly, the unforeseen and prolonged value destructive impact of Covid-19. Our strategy for season 2020/21 was to invest in the team and to retain our best players, with the objective of delivering the league championship. As a result, gains from player trading were minimal. The effects of Covid-19 have persisted longer than many could have envisaged and, as a result, our crucial match day and other income streams derived from our stadium have been reduced to negligible proportions. These two factors largely explain the reduction in our profit before tax. No football club is immune from the effects of Covid-19.
    Looking forward, the football and financial environment is still volatile and very uncertain because of the ongoing effects of Covid-19. At the time of writing, it is unclear when the 2020/21 Scottish Cup will re-commence following its suspension. Neither are we able to say at this stage when we will be able to welcome our supporters back to Celtic Park, but we continue to work with the football authorities and the Scottish Government with a view to ensuring that fans are able to return to football safely as soon as possible. All of this will continue to affect our financial results, meaning we are unable to offer any outlook guidance on revenue or earnings. Trading seasonality means that financial performance in the second half of the financial year will be lower than the first half owing to lower UEFA income along with less matches played.
    I would like to thank our outgoing Chief Executive Peter Lawwell for his contribution to Celtic over the last 17 years. His role in transforming Celtic into a modern, highly respected European football club cannot be underestimated and has been nothing short of outstanding. It has been a pleasure to serve alongside him and we look forward to welcoming Dominic McKay as our new Chief Executive to continue to grow the Club.
    Finally, on behalf of the Board I would like to reiterate to our supporters, shareholders and partners that their support has been crucial over the last 12 months, in what has been one of the most challenging times for the Club. We recognise their support and we thank them for the loyalty they have shown.

    Ian P Bankier
    15 February 2021

    To read the full Celtic plc results, click HERE
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Mo 15. Feb 2021, 12:12

    Noch immer, wenn ich das richtig erkenne haben wir 20 Mille auf der Bank. Mich würde mal interessieren, wie das bei so manch anderen SPL Vereinen ausschaut. :D
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16346
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 350.541,55 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Mo 15. Feb 2021, 12:42

    Gollum hat geschrieben:Ja, die Zahlen sind brutal aber gleichzeitig alles andere als unerwartet. Wir haben im Sommer mal wieder die finanziell so wichtige CL verpasst und trotzdem auf lukrative Spielerverkäufe verzichtet, mit denen wir das sonst immer kompensiert haben, gleichzeitig haben wir nun schon seit fast einem Jahr keine Zuschauer mehr bei unseren Heimspielen. Andere Clubs kämpfen gerade ums nackte Überleben (von den Zuständen außerhalb des Fußballs mal ganz abgesehen) und so weit sind wir noch lange nicht, insofern muss man das alles immer in Perspektive setzen...aber die Schäden, die dieser verdammte Virus auch bei uns anrichtet sind schon immens und das wird den Neuaufbau, in welcher Form auch immer er stattfinden wird, mit Sicherheit spürbar beeinflussen (Financial expert in gloomy Celtic warning as he tips Rangers to become 'top dogs' unless Dermot Desmond acts).

    Celtic plc Interim Report
    Celtic have released their Interim Report for the six months to December 31, 2020.


    Operational Highlights
    - Currently second in the SPFL Premiership.
    - Winners of the Scottish FA Cup (season 19/20) for the fourth season in a row, securing an unprecedented fourth consecutive domestic treble.
    - 17 home fixtures (2019: 21).
    - Conclusion of the most successful decade in the history of the club with 20 trophies won.

    Financial Highlights
    - Revenue decreased by 23.7% to £40.7m (2019: £53.3m)
    - Loss from trading was £0.3m (2019: profit of £7.1m)
    - Profit from transfer of player registrations (shown as profit on disposal of intangible assets) £1.0m (2019: £23.0m)
    - Loss before taxation of £5.9m (2019: profit of £24.4m)
    - Acquisition of player registrations of £12.7m (2019: £15.0m)
    - Period end net cash at bank of £19.7m (2019: £32.9m)

    The results for the six months ended 31 December 2020 show revenues of £40.7m (2019: £53.3m) and a loss before taxation of £5.9m (2019: profit of £24.4m). The loss from trading, representing the loss excluding player related gains and charges, amounted to £0.3m (2019: profit of £7.1m). Period end net cash at bank was £19.7m (2019: £32.9m). The introductory page to these interim results summarises the main highlights.
    Season 2020/21 started with further significant investment into our playing squad as we prepared for the season ahead, commencing with the Champions League qualification fixtures, featuring challenging single-leg knockout ties as a result of the restricted football environment. We acquired the registrations of Albian Ajeti, Vasilis Barkas and David Turnbull, retained Mohamed Elyounoussi on loan and brought in experienced internationals Shane Duffy and Diego Laxalt on loan. We also retained key players who had contributed so much to the team in previous seasons.
    At the time of writing we currently sit second in the league 18 points behind the leaders, having played one game less and with 10 games remaining. The prolonged summer transfer window, the impact of Covid-19 and, crucially, the loss of our passionate support at matches have undoubtedly had a damaging effect on our performance levels in domestic and European competitions, but we recognise that our performance has not been good enough. Amidst this challenging environment, however, we secured victory in the postponed 2019/20 Scottish Cup Final to deliver an incredible fourth consecutive treble, following on from securing our ninth consecutive league title. The scale of this achievement cannot be underplayed and should be a cause for pride and celebration for years to come.
    The two key factors that adversely affected our financial results for the period under review were: firstly, reduced gains from player trading as we sought to keep intact our squad this season; and, secondly, the unforeseen and prolonged value destructive impact of Covid-19. Our strategy for season 2020/21 was to invest in the team and to retain our best players, with the objective of delivering the league championship. As a result, gains from player trading were minimal. The effects of Covid-19 have persisted longer than many could have envisaged and, as a result, our crucial match day and other income streams derived from our stadium have been reduced to negligible proportions. These two factors largely explain the reduction in our profit before tax. No football club is immune from the effects of Covid-19.
    Looking forward, the football and financial environment is still volatile and very uncertain because of the ongoing effects of Covid-19. At the time of writing, it is unclear when the 2020/21 Scottish Cup will re-commence following its suspension. Neither are we able to say at this stage when we will be able to welcome our supporters back to Celtic Park, but we continue to work with the football authorities and the Scottish Government with a view to ensuring that fans are able to return to football safely as soon as possible. All of this will continue to affect our financial results, meaning we are unable to offer any outlook guidance on revenue or earnings. Trading seasonality means that financial performance in the second half of the financial year will be lower than the first half owing to lower UEFA income along with less matches played.
    I would like to thank our outgoing Chief Executive Peter Lawwell for his contribution to Celtic over the last 17 years. His role in transforming Celtic into a modern, highly respected European football club cannot be underestimated and has been nothing short of outstanding. It has been a pleasure to serve alongside him and we look forward to welcoming Dominic McKay as our new Chief Executive to continue to grow the Club.
    Finally, on behalf of the Board I would like to reiterate to our supporters, shareholders and partners that their support has been crucial over the last 12 months, in what has been one of the most challenging times for the Club. We recognise their support and we thank them for the loyalty they have shown.

    Ian P Bankier
    15 February 2021

    To read the full Celtic plc results, click HERE
    Was für ein pamflet

    Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 8 Pro koristeći Tapatalk
    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: Büffel
    Beiträge: 2341
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:46
    Wohnort: Bretten
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 41.102,45 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Gollum » Mo 15. Feb 2021, 12:52

    Gollum hat geschrieben:Und daran anknüpfend:

    Andy Walker hammers Celtic over 'embarrassing and insulting' silence as he issues furious fan demand to the board
    The pundit and former Parkhead star again refused to pull any punches as he lamented the situation at his old club.

    Walker redet ab und zu ja auch mal ziemlichen Blödsinn, aber hier kann man ihm (leider) nur 100% zustimmen.

    Walker hat seine Kritik an der mangelnden Kommunikation seitens des Clubs am Wochenende nochmal erneuert:

    Andy Walker in fresh Celtic TV takedown as he demands board tell fans the plan and stop 'treading water'
    Dominic McKay will succeed Peter Lawwell but Walker believes the fans deserve answers after a season to forget.

    Und jetzt hat Bankier die Gelegenheit (Veröffentlichung der plc results) genutzt, sich auch dazu immerhin mal zu äußern:

    Chairman's message to supporters

    Naja, viele Worte, wenig Inhalt in meinen Augen, ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass das die Fans sonderlich beruhigen wird. Mir fehlt da einfach jede Form einer echten Selbstkritik und wenn das tatsächlich alle Erkenntnisse sein sollten, zu denen man in zweieinhalb Monaten review gekommen ist, dann haben wir wirklich ein Problem.
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
    Beiträge: 5343
    Registriert: Do 13. Mai 2010, 12:44
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Mo 15. Feb 2021, 13:11

    Mit den Abgängen von Eddy, Ajer und Christie wird im Sommer viel Geld in die Kasse kommen. :D :top1
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16346
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 350.541,55 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon Lubo » Mo 15. Feb 2021, 13:51

    @Gollum: Der Link ist durchaus interessant, ein "financial expert" muss man für diese Prognose allerdings nicht sein. Gerrard weiß, wie der europäische Fußball funktioniert. Es ist also sehr wahrscheinlich, dass die nächstes Jahr in die CL-Gruppenphase kommen. Und damit wäre es dann bereits nächstes Jahr soweit, dass sie einen höheren Umsatz als wir einfahren. Dazu haben sie anscheinend einige Leute, die ihr Privatvermögen in den Verein pumpen. Sonst wäre das natürlich nie gut gegagngen und spätestens durch Corona wäre Sense gewesen.

    @McCeltic: Die Preise, die diese 3 Spieler aufrufen werden, sind jedoch stark gesunken. Wir haben europäisch keine Rolle gespielt dieses Jahr. Eddy und Christie dazu mit einigen verletzungsbedingten Ausfällen.

    Ich denke, langsam wird auch so einiges klar. Das Risiko einzugehen, einen neuen Trainer zu holen, der einen "besseren" Namen hat als Lennon (und damit teurer ist), will man in der aktuellen Zeit bei der Verlustlage wohl nicht auf sich nehmen. 6 Mio Verlust sind für einen Verein in der schottischen Liga, der versucht, ohne Finanzspritzen von Investoren auszukommen, eine Menge Holz.

    Der Verein steht an einem sehr entscheidenden Punkt. Ich hoffe, wir haben die richtigen Leute an den Strippen, die jetzt wo es darauf ankommt bei einem Großteil der Entscheidungen richtig liegen. Denn ohne Geld von außen ohne CL-Kohle wird es sicher sehr schwer werden, mit den Blauen finanziell zu konkurrieren. Dazu machen die bzgl. Scouting derzeit ebenfalls einen deutlich besseren Eindruck.

    Eine Katastrophe, dass wir jetzt an diesem Punkt stehen, da wir ja eigentlich (von den Ergebnissen her) nur eine einzige Saison vergeigt haben.

    Klar, haben wir als Zweiter auch die (theoretische) Chance, in die CL einzuziehen. Aber doch die deutlich schwereren Gegner zu erwarten.
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    Re: Club news

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Mo 15. Feb 2021, 17:33

    Die 6 Millionen haben wir mit dem Verkauf von Frimpong kompensiert. Und mit dem Kader müssen die Blauen auch erst einmal die CL Gruppenphase erreichen, so einfach wird es auch für die nicht. Eddy macht seine Buden und 20 Mille sehen wir da ganz gewiss. Ajer spielt auch stark, auch da wird die Kasse klingeln. :top1
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