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    21. SPL Spieltag
    08.01.2025 20.45 Uhr DZ
    Celtic Park

    Celtic FC - Dundee United 2-0 (1-0)


    Unser Forenstammtisch

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon rob » Di 19. Okt 2010, 13:53

    1967 hat geschrieben:Da sind paar gelistet


    Ansonsten in den einschlägigen Celtic-Foren mal nachfragen

    danke, wird das old firm ĂĽberhaupt noch auf sky gezeigt :noenoe
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon 1967 » Di 19. Okt 2010, 14:35

    Wird in UK auf Sky Sports 4 gezeigt
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Di 19. Okt 2010, 15:55

    1967 hat geschrieben:Da sind paar gelistet


    Ansonsten in den einschlägigen Celtic-Foren mal nachfragen

    wow das sind viele... 2 von unseren Pubs in Dresden sind auch aufgelistet ;jeajea:
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon VerdĂŁo-CampeĂŁo » So 24. Okt 2010, 10:36

    3 Spiele heut live angucken... davon 2 krasse Derbys... ICH BRAUCH BIIIIIERRRR!!!!! :bier1 :celt4
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » So 24. Okt 2010, 10:59

    haha ;klatsch; endlich ist der tag gekommen
    um 12 gehts dann los, dann treff mit den jungs und dann auf in den Pub!
    HAIL HAIL :bier1
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Mo 25. Okt 2010, 16:50

    hallo jungs, ich hab mal ne frage: weis jemand wie ich heraus bekomme, für wann die kommenden runden im Cup geplant sind? ich plane nämlich im märz zu dem heimspiel gegen die hibs zu fahren und würde die flüge gerne schon buchen, will aber nich riskieren, dass das spiel dann verlegt wird...

    ich freu mich ĂĽber jeden hinweis :)
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Mo 25. Okt 2010, 21:08

    Das Hibs Spiel ist am 19. März. Unten siehst du die Termine im Scottish Cup.

    The Scottish Cup, 2010-11 Season

    Round 1 - Saturday, 25th September, 2010

    Round 2 - Saturday, 23rd October, 2010

    Round 3 - Saturday, 20th November, 2010

    Round 4 - Saturday, 7th January, 2011

    Round 5 - Saturday, 5th February, 2011

    Round 6 - Saturday, 12th March, 2011

    Semi-Finals - Saturday, 16th & Sunday, 17th April, 2011

    Final - Saturday, 21st May, 2011

    Weiss allerdings nicht, wann das CIS Cup Final ist.
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16317
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.848,55 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Di 26. Okt 2010, 11:22

    oh danke, das hilft mir sehr :) :top1
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Di 26. Okt 2010, 12:03

    ach mist das league cup final is am 20.3... naja dann fahren wir halt gegen hamilton
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Lubo » Di 26. Okt 2010, 15:28

    Mowbray ist neuer Manager bei Boro. Good luck, Mogga!

    Zu Walter Smith:
    Laut nem Ex-Spieler von ihm soll Smith in Dundee seine Spieler teilweise verdroschen haben. WeiĂź da jemand was Genaueres?

    hier der Artikel:
    http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/co ... 4049165.jp

    So hat auch der Gentleman ein paar kleine Fleckchen auf der blütenweisen Weste. Wobei man sagen muss, dass Schläge zur Erziehung von Teenagern früher ja nicht die Ausnahme waren.
    Champions of Europe 1967 :celt2
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Beiträge: 5049
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    Celtic-Points: 172.682,65 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Di 26. Okt 2010, 18:08

    Lubo hat geschrieben:Mowbray ist neuer Manager bei Boro. Good luck, Mogga!

    Zu Walter Smith:
    Laut nem Ex-Spieler von ihm soll Smith in Dundee seine Spieler teilweise verdroschen haben. WeiĂź da jemand was Genaueres?

    hier der Artikel:
    http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/co ... 4049165.jp

    So hat auch der Gentleman ein paar kleine Fleckchen auf der blütenweisen Weste. Wobei man sagen muss, dass Schläge zur Erziehung von Teenagern früher ja nicht die Ausnahme waren.

    Sein Abgang bei der Schottischen NM war ja auch alles andere als würdig. Jeder hat seine Macken, wenn man suchen würde, würde man immer etwas finden. Ich bin froh, daß WS nächstes Jahr seinen Abschied von den Blauen eingeläutet hat. :huns
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16317
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.848,55 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Anfield » So 31. Okt 2010, 09:14


    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon McCeltic » So 31. Okt 2010, 11:34


    Ebenso :celt6
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16317
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.848,55 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Stony » Do 4. Nov 2010, 00:13

    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Bhoy » Mi 17. Nov 2010, 16:40

    So mein Internet funktioniert auch wieder ;)
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » So 21. Nov 2010, 18:00

    irgendwie ĂĽberrascht mich das nich^^

    More than 80 percent of Scotland's top refs have failed an SFA test on the laws of the game.

    Of the 31 Category One officials who took part in the 30-question written exam, only FIVE achieved pass marks.

    And the astonishing results will send yet more shockwaves through the corridors of power and Scottish football.

    Refs chief Hugh Dallas was taken aback by the findings and immediately put plans in place to help improve our whistlers' knowledge.

    In some countries such low marks would mean the officials could no longer take charge of further senior games. The test took place at a Spanish winter training camp in February.

    The pass mark was 80 per cent but a document obtained by MailSport reveals over half of the Category One officials scored 70 per cent or under. Indeed, one whistler scored just 50 per cent.

    All the officials were given their results in an email that also contained remarks from the Referee Development Department. And the ref with the 50 per cent score was told: "This is unacceptable. We will inform the Referee Committee of your results in the test.

    "Concerns will be raised about your lack of knowledge and understanding of the Laws of the Game.

    "The Development Department will furnish you with a test paper as a matter of urgency and you will sit it under examination conditions."

    A score of between 70 per cent and 79 per cent was achieved by nine refs and they were informed: "If we operated in the same way as several other countries you would now require to be re-examined.

    "Warning bells should be ringing and failure to achieve a pass mark is concerning for the department. We will be looking for a significant improvement in the next test."

    The highest mark was 89 per cent and the ref was told: "A very good knowledge - you have to be congratulated for attaining this pass mark."

    An SFA spokesperson last night tried to play down the findings and claimed officials were now tested about their knowledge every month.

    The spokesperson said: "This was the first in a series of hypothetical awareness exercises. These exercises now take place at every monthly referees' meeting in a 10-question format.

    "They are designed to test officials on some of the most unlikely and unusual scenarios they may encounter.

    "The improvement in that awareness has been apparent since these assessments became part of our monthly meetings.

    "I'm sure most people would agree that implementing such an assessment based on the Laws of the Game can only be a benefit to refs and the game in general."

    This report will heap further pressure on our whistlers during a turbulent season.

    Celtic have called for the SFA to dismiss ref Dougie McDonald after he admitted lying to Neil Lennon in the aftermath of last month's game between the Hoops and Dundee United at Tannadice.

    McDonald tried to cover-up the real reason why he U-turned on a decision to award the Hoops a penalty.

    Celtic went on to win 2-1 but the whistler's behaviour sparked a storm.

    One of the assistant referees that afternoon, Steven Craven, quit in the wake of the game and claimed SFA bosses had hung him out to dry.

    McDonald has yet to resign even though members of the SFA hierarchy feel he should go as soon as possible.
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon McCeltic » So 21. Nov 2010, 18:05

    Mich ĂĽberrascht im Moment auch nichts mehr. Ich sags immer wieder, so lange ein Dallas am Ruder sitzt, haben wir nichts zu lachen. Diesen Scherenschleifer muss man schnellstens absetzen.
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16317
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.848,55 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » So 21. Nov 2010, 20:07

    jetz wirds lächerlich

    Referees in Scotland have voted to strike next weekend, putting the entire SPL programme at risk.

    The referees Union north of the border has voted for the action, following a constant barrage of criticism.

    The issue has stemmed from referee Dougie McDonald's decision to over-turn a penalty decision against Celtic in their game at Dundee United.


    McDonald later admitted to lying about the reason behind his decision and was warned by the Scottish Football Association.

    Earlier this week Celtic chairman John Reid called for McDonald to resign, claiming his position had become 'completely untenable'.

    Following McDonald's admission of deception, SFA chief executive Stewart Regan has promised an overhaul of how referees are disciplined.

    Celtic manager Neil Lennon was also critical of McDonald episode and has since questioned refereeing decisions after their defeats to Rangers and Hearts.

    The decision to take strike action was reached at a referees' union meeting held on Sunday afternoon.

    There are six Scottish Premier League scheduled for next weekend. There is also a full card in the Scottish Football League.

    The ALBA Challenge Cup final between Queen of the South and Ross County at McDiarmid Park is also under threat, as will any Scottish Cup replays.

    BBC Scotland has learned that officials are concerned that their integrity is constantly being questioned and there are increasing fears over personal safety as a result of public criticism from managers and the media.


    Scottish Premier League referees threatened to strike over pay in 2008 but the threat was lifted when a review was set up to study their wage demands.

    There were also rumblings of discontent last season, with head of referee development Hugh Dallas clashing with then-Motherwell boss Jim Gannon and accusing him of undermining the confidence of officials with his repeated criticism.

    Last month, Hamilton manager Billy Reid warned that he would understand if referees were to refuse to officiate because of the excessive criticism directed at them
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Gollum » So 21. Nov 2010, 21:18

    Celtic are considering another refereeing complaint now that Gary Hooper has been booked three times since he criticised Scottish officials. (News of the World)

    Auch irgendwie bezeichnend... :wirr; :wall: :kotz;
    Slawa Ukrajini - Tiocfaidh ár lá
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Drache
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    Celtic-Points: 391.465,35 Celtic-Points

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon McCeltic » So 21. Nov 2010, 21:31

    Die sollen doch in den Streik treten und sich ihre schlechten Leistungen einfach mal allsamt auf Video anschauen. Dann sind die für längere Zeit beschäftigt. Am Ende ist das aber überhaupt kein Streik, sondern eine Einladung zu einer Party von Hugh Dallas. Natürlich wird gleich jeder beim Empfang mit einem Rankers Schal und Trikot ausgerüstet und zur Krönung läuft Simple the Best. Es gibt ja Schiris, die den Song betsens auswendig können. Und wenn zum Schluss alle gehen rufen noch alle den Abschiedsgruss: We are the People. :lol:
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16317
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 349.848,55 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland


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