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    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Celtic Frost » Sa 14. Aug 2010, 13:46

    Den UJ Smiley kann man eigentlich auch spĂĽlen. Braucht keine Sau :hihihi;
    Soviele Zuschauer und so wenig Tore (BT)
    Celtic Frost
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 848
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 18:46
    Wohnort: KĂĽsnacht
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 11.621,00 Celtic-Points
    Land: Schweiz

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Sa 14. Aug 2010, 14:25

    Celtic Frost hat geschrieben:Den UJ Smiley kann man eigentlich auch spĂĽlen. Braucht keine Sau :hihihi;

    Keine Ahnung wie ich den anklicken konnte. :lol: Ausgerechnet auch noch ich, unglaublich. :lol:
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16527
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 355.084,40 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Sa 21. Aug 2010, 23:04

    die smileys sind echt lustig, könnt mich andauernd zerkringeln, vor allem bei dem hier :hihihi; :fingerlach;
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Mi 25. Aug 2010, 22:32

    @ Lubo

    Da läuft er vorneraus unser held ;jeajea:

    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: BĂĽffel
    Beiträge: 2377
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:46
    Wohnort: Bretten
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 41.754,85 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon whytea » Mi 25. Aug 2010, 22:56

    ich denke es ist nun, angesichts der neuen jhungs zeit das wir uns von crosas trennen! ich persönlich mag ihn, leider konnte er sich nie an die physische seite in der SPL gewöhnen und somit leider auch nie durchsetzen (im gegensatz zu meinem eindruck von kayal). wobei ich denke aus ihm könnte nen ziemlich guter spielmacher/ballverteiler werden.

    und ich hoffe das misun gut angespitzt in der schlange steht!


    my 5 cents, nebenher mal so :nase:
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Bhoy » So 29. Aug 2010, 19:27

    Ich trink mal auf dieses Forum hier und den Sieg unserer Bhoys! Hab mir nen Kasten Flensburger gekauft, ich muss sagen ich hab schon bessere Bierchen getrunken - aber egal ;) wir haben ja bekanntlich auch schon schöner gewonnen

    Up the Tic
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon whytea » So 29. Aug 2010, 19:30

    hehehe...hört hört!!! :bier1

    ...glaube die plĂĽrre verkauft sich ĂĽberwiegend wegen des tollen verschluĂźes :D
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Bhoy » So 29. Aug 2010, 19:33

    whytea hat geschrieben:hehehe...hört hört!!! :bier1

    ...glaube die plĂĽrre verkauft sich ĂĽberwiegend wegen des tollen verschluĂźes :D

    Ich denke deswegen hab ichs auch gekauft, aber psssst ;)
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Lubo » So 29. Aug 2010, 19:34

    Die ganzen Veltins Mixbiergetränke laufen gut zur Zeit bei mir. Das Problem da dran ist, dass man bei übermäßigem Verzehr am nächstes Tag meint, man schaut den ganzen Tag durch ein Aquarium durch. ;D

    Cheers Bhoy, war ein geiler Sieg heute! :celt2
    Champions of Europe 1967 :celt2
    John Hartson
    John Hartson
    Beiträge: 5217
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:12
    Geschlecht: keine Angabe
    Celtic-Points: 178.768,50 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon whytea » So 29. Aug 2010, 19:37

    bei dem v+ curuba, ist der trick auch besonders erstmal einen übermässigen konsum festzustellen, das zeug schmeckt wie saft und dreht sich wie nen bier :wirr;
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Bhoy » So 29. Aug 2010, 19:38

    Lubo hat geschrieben:Die ganzen Veltins Mixbiergetränke laufen gut zur Zeit bei mir. Das Problem da dran ist, dass man bei übermäßigem Verzehr am nächstes Tag meint, man schaut den ganzen Tag durch ein Aquarium durch. ;D

    Cheers Bhoy, war ein geiler Sieg heute! :celt2

    Ich pack diese Mixgetränke ja eigentlich nicht so, entweder Bier oder nicht ;) Ab und an geht im fränkischen Biergarten ein Radler, aber jeder soll natürlich trinken was er will und ich stoß trotzdem mit dir an ;D

    :bier1 Prost Kameraden! PS: Die Liverpooler können ja heute mittrinken, haben ebenfalls 1-0 gewonnen!
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon rob » Mo 30. Aug 2010, 09:08

    Bhoy hat geschrieben:Ich trink mal auf dieses Forum hier und den Sieg unserer Bhoys! Hab mir nen Kasten Flensburger gekauft, ich muss sagen ich hab schon bessere Bierchen getrunken - aber egal ;) wir haben ja bekanntlich auch schon schöner gewonnen

    Up the Tic

    schlecht ist das nicht - mixgetränke bin ich aber jetzt nicht so der fan.

    hauptsache gestern mal gewonnen. :celt4
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Mo 30. Aug 2010, 22:34

    wenn ich bei meiner schwester in hessen zu besuch bin, in einer stadt mit dem wunderschönen namen Linsengericht, dann trink ich gern mal eine Flasche Schwarzer Hahn^^ schmeckt ein wenig wie guinness :)
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Di 31. Aug 2010, 15:19

    Celtic majority shareholder Dermot Desmond has used the closing of the transfer window to demand Uefa make a radical shake-up of football club finances.

    Desmond wants European football’s governing body to place a cap on player wages and club borrowing to restore competitiveness to the sport.

    The Irish tycoon also fears there could be a number of clubs forced to the wall unless major change is implemented.

    He said: “I think there should be regulation and rules throughout Europe that places a cap on how much a club can borrow.

    “There should also be a cap on its relation between wage bill and revenue like there is in baseball over in the United States.

    “I think it’s important to have some general rules in there that clubs are not being leveraged and not being jeopardised.

    “Some clubs will definitely go out of business in the next couple of years – clubs that are not sustain-able.”

    Asked if that would rebalance things in terms of competition, he said: “Yes, it would. There has to be some equalisation process for true competitiveness.

    “I can say it would be good in England and in Scotland if there was a limit on the amount clubs can spend and borrow.”

    However, Uefa president Michel Platini says their new rules which kick in from 2011/12, ensuring clubs only spend what they earn, will be enough to end the “total anarchy” that surrounded player transfers.

    Platini said: “For years and years we were in total anarchy. But clubs asked for these rules because they knew they could not continue. We can see already they look to balance their books.”
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Celtic Frost » Di 31. Aug 2010, 16:07

    danrik hat geschrieben:Celtic majority shareholder Dermot Desmond has used the closing of the transfer window to demand Uefa make a radical shake-up of football club finances.

    Desmond wants European football’s governing body to place a cap on player wages and club borrowing to restore competitiveness to the sport.

    The Irish tycoon also fears there could be a number of clubs forced to the wall unless major change is implemented.

    He said: “I think there should be regulation and rules throughout Europe that places a cap on how much a club can borrow.

    “There should also be a cap on its relation between wage bill and revenue like there is in baseball over in the United States.

    “I think it’s important to have some general rules in there that clubs are not being leveraged and not being jeopardised.

    “Some clubs will definitely go out of business in the next couple of years – clubs that are not sustain-able.”

    Asked if that would rebalance things in terms of competition, he said: “Yes, it would. There has to be some equalisation process for true competitiveness.

    “I can say it would be good in England and in Scotland if there was a limit on the amount clubs can spend and borrow.”

    However, Uefa president Michel Platini says their new rules which kick in from 2011/12, ensuring clubs only spend what they earn, will be enough to end the “total anarchy” that surrounded player transfers.

    Platini said: “For years and years we were in total anarchy. But clubs asked for these rules because they knew they could not continue. We can see already they look to balance their books.”

    Im Prinzip hat er natürlich recht, nur: Diese Denkweise entspricht nicht der von liberalen Staatswesen, heisst: Auch FC's sind irgendwo in diesen Staatswesen eigebettet, zumindest in Westeuropa und zudem können Zahlungen auch ausserhalb von irgendwelchen Bilanzen und Buchhaltungen von Fussballclubs vorgenommen werden. Die UEFA verfügt weder über die Mittel noch die Macht solches zu unterbinden, also wäre am Schluss wieder der Staat (die EU) gefragt, diesbezüglich die Mittel und die Gesetze für ein solches Anliegen bereit zu stellen, was sie aus formaljuristischen Gründen aber kaum tun werden. Man betrachte als Anschaungsbeispiel auch das Gerangel um die Boniexzesse und die versuchten Eingriffe von Regierungen in der Finanzindustrie. Auch dorrt besteht nicht genügend Konsens um zu einer einverträglichen Lösung zu kommen, warum soll dies denn im ökonomisch wesentlich unwichtigeren Fussball ausgerechnet anders sein? Und solange der Marktwert von Spielern in der Bilanz abgebildet werden dürfen, oder zumindest werden und solange auch bei einer FC AG das Thema Ek Quote resp. deren Erhöhung auf ein wirtschaftlich sinnvolles Mass kein Thema ist, solange wird sich auch bis zum 'Big Bang' nichts ändern, und wie wir aus der jüngsten Geschiche eben gelernt haben, auch nachher wohl nichts. Und von Freiwilligkeit halte ich in diesem Geschäfts schon mal gar nichts. Keine Zeit für Gentlemen agreements.
    Soviele Zuschauer und so wenig Tore (BT)
    Celtic Frost
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 848
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 18:46
    Wohnort: KĂĽsnacht
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 11.621,00 Celtic-Points
    Land: Schweiz

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Dinamo Baden » Mi 1. Sep 2010, 15:14

    It's such a joy for us to see,
    For they play football the Celtic way.
    Dinamo Baden
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Aiden Mc Geady
    Europ.: Jungfrau Chin.: BĂĽffel
    Beiträge: 2377
    Registriert: Sa 15. Mai 2010, 12:46
    Wohnort: Bretten
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 41.754,85 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Mi 1. Sep 2010, 15:38

    DERMOT Desmond dreams of the day Celtic and Rangers take their place in the English Premiership and insists he will not rest until it comes true.

    The Parkhead majority shareholder has no qualms about leaving Scottish football behind, believing they will thrive in the Old Firm's absence.

    Desmond, who admits he wakes up every morning thinking about Celtic, is convinced his club and their bitter rivals would enhance what is widely regarded as the best league in the world.

    And, at the same time, the Irish billionaire is adamant both the SPL and the national team will benefit if the Glasgow giants get their wish to move south of the border. Desmond said: "The Premiership would never have been founded 20 years ago but it has turned into a great success.

    "I'm a believer if you have content and tradition like Celtic and Rangers have then they add something to the Premier League.

    "I think it will be good for football in Scotland, for football in England, in Britain and in Europe.

    "If it is something that betters all the leagues I don't see why I should give up and say 'no, it will not happen'. I think there is a huge mis-match in investment in Scotland.

    "The budget Celtic and Rangers have dwarfs the budgets of the other clubs. It is very hard for the other clubs to compete although they do compete very well with the funds available.

    "If Celtic and Rangers moved south it would enable those clubs to be more competitive and not to have the financial pressures because Celtic and Rangers are in their league.

    "I think Celtic and Rangers bringing up the Arsenals, the Uniteds, the Liverpools, the Manchester Citys and the Spurs will encourage and develop football in Scotland.

    "If you see these great Premiership players playing on a weekly basis it will improve and encourage more Scottish people to play football. I think it will also give Scotland a greater identity."

    In a rare and revealing interview the Celtic powerbroker admitted the club is always foremost in his thoughts despite having other business interests which have helped him amass a ÂŁ1.5billion fortune.

    The Cork-born tycoon has developed a strong emotional attachment with his boyhood heroes since gaining a 37 per cent stake in the Glasgow giants.

    Desmond plans to pass on his shareholding to his children although stresses he will not allow his heart to rule his head by running up huge debts in a bid to buy success.

    He said: "Celtic is an emotional investment. When you wake up in the morning you start thinking about the club, especially in the transfer window.

    "The transfer window is always intensive because there is a lot of activity so your mind is concentrated on that. Having an input into the decisions you have to inform yourself and do a bit of research to see what is happening out there.

    "You have to divide it into two. If it is an emotional investment this is an investment where you are saying you don't want to make a return.

    "At the same time it is a legacy thing. I hope that my shareholding will be left to my children or to some people who have an interest in maintaining or developing Celtic.

    "So it's not something I want to realise as a financial gain but if it's a legacy thing you have to make sure you are creating a proper organisation and also balancing the books.

    "You can't leave a legacy if it's going to be in a deficit or leave debt and other liabilities. You need a strong board and chief executive who can disassociate themselves from media pressure and fan pressure.

    "There are emotive and short-term pressures to buy success and that when you buy success it will redeem some of the investment you have put in.

    "I don't necessarily agree with that as that is a short-term policy. A lot of clubs have done that in the Championship, the Premiership and the SPL and it has jeopardised the stability of those clubs.

    "There can be a personal element when they are confronted by supporters and they feel for their egos they should invest monies they will never recoup."

    Desmond was at the helm during the Martin O'Neill years and played a major part in the success under Gordon Strachan. But while he admits to a degree of culpability over the disastrous Tony Mowbray era he feels he can't win with a section of fans who give him pelters.

    He said: "It is continuous (the abuse). If I had fortunes of all the owners in the Premiership it wouldn't be enough to invest in the club and get success.

    "I'm continually splashing the cash and investing money and I try to explain I'm a supporter like them. I see the same match, I get the same enjoyment and pain out of results.

    "The fans agenda is they want the club to succeed. They are not really interested in how much is being spent as long as success is brought.

    "If the club has success then it's the managers and players who get the praise, never the shareholders or the board. In fact they are criticised when we win and when we lose.

    "You try to pick the best manager you think will do a good job and recruit players to build a strong team but you are not always right when making those decisions."
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon McCeltic » Do 2. Sep 2010, 15:55

    Verabschiede mich mal für 2 Wochen von euch. Werde mit meiner Familie 2 Wochen in der schönen Türkei verweilen. :celt6
    Season 2016/17 Treble Winner
    Season 2017/18 Treble Winner
    Season 2018/19 Treble Winner
    Season 2019/20 SPL Champion, League Cup Winner

    Celtic Football Club 1888

    Froggies CSC
    Europ.: Zwilling Chin.: Hund
    Beiträge: 16527
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 17:32
    Wohnort: Bruchsal
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 355.084,40 Celtic-Points
    Land: Deutschland

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon danrik » Do 2. Sep 2010, 19:06

    schönen urlaub ;klatsch;
    Celtic-Points: Gesperrt
    Bank: Gesperrt

    Re: Allgemein

    Beitragvon Celtic Frost » Do 2. Sep 2010, 19:35

    na dann. Döner Abend
    Soviele Zuschauer und so wenig Tore (BT)
    Celtic Frost
    Europ.: Löwe Chin.: Schlange
    Beiträge: 848
    Registriert: Mi 12. Mai 2010, 18:46
    Wohnort: KĂĽsnacht
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Celtic-Points: 11.621,00 Celtic-Points
    Land: Schweiz


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